Our Statement of Faith
Our Mission
Bethel Central American Ministries’ mission is to glorify God through the promotion and support of individuals and institutions involved in the proclamation of the gospel, Bible teaching, and Christian training in the nations of Central America. Additionally, we seek to serve God’s people through meeting practical needs.
One God, existing eternally in three Persons: The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, His full deity and humanity, virgin birth, sinless life, substitutionary death, bodily resurrection, ascension, and imminent personal return.
The Holy Spirit, who convicts and regenerates sinners, indwells all believers, and empowers them to live a holy life.
The Bible, the fully inspired Word of God, inerrant in the original writings, of absolute authority in all matters.
Man, a sinner by nature and practice, eternally lost apart from Christ's saving work, and redeemed only by His precious blood.
Salvation, by God's grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, entirely apart from human merit.
Our Aim
Bethel Central American Ministries informs Christians of the missionary and humanitarian efforts which are being developed in various parts of Central America, and to facilitate the support of those efforts through an effective means of channeling funds to the intended recipients.